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1 1/2 Ounces Chocolate Syrup, 4 To 6 Ounces Steamed Milk -Or Creme De Cacao Liqueur -Or Half And Half 1 1/2 Ounces Raspberry Flavored Syrup, Whipped Cream, For Garnish -Or Kirsch Liqueur Fudge Sauce, Chocolate Syrup 2 Ounces Hot, Fresh Espresso -Or Chocolate Shavings, For Garnish -Or Strong Coffee
Pour chocolate syrup and raspberry syrup into a 12 ounce latte mug or cup. Add espresso. Fill the rest of the way with steamed milk. Stir to blend. Top with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
Variation: Drizzle raspberry syrup on top of whipped cream, top with chocolate shavings and put a cherry on top!
2012 Recipe - April Ferre - From "I Love Coffee!" by Susan Zimmer, 2007.
"After buying a stove top espresso pot to make espresso for Pietro's Tiramisu, I began experimenting with my own hot espresso drinks. Forget Starbucks! You can make your own mochas and lattes at home cheaper and they taste much better. Eventually I wanted to learn more about espresso, so I bought the book this recipe came it. Great overall espresso book and some great espresso drinks, including this one!" - April Ferre