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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
2 8-Oz Packages Cream Cheese Poppy Seeds 2 Tablespoons Dill Weed Wheat Thins Crackers 2 Tablespoons Dried Onion
Mix cream cheese, dill weed and dried onion. Roll into a ball. Roll ball in poppy seeds. Refrigerate overnight. Before serving, let stand at room temperature for 1 hour. Serve with wheat thins. This recipe can be halved.
Recipe - Kathleen (Chester) Holzwart - Monterey Bay Dental Hygiene Component Cookbook
"One of my dental hygiene school classmates brought this to a potluck. Everybody loved it, so we asked her for the recipe. Later, it became part of of a cookbook we sold as a fundraiser. " - Calla Ferre.
"This is one of our must have appetizers during the holidays." - April Ferre
"This is one of our must have appetizers during the holidays." - April Ferre