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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
2 To 2 1/2 10-Oz Jars 1/3 Cup Butter, Softened Maraschino Cherries 1 12-Oz Package Chocolate Chips 3 1/2 Cups (1 Pound) Powdered Sugar 1/2 Bar Paraffin 1/3 Cup White Corn Syrup
Drain and chill maraschino cherries (the smaller the cherries, the better). Mix together corn syrup and butter; gradually beat in powdered sugar. Mix and knead until very smooth. Wrap around cherries and roll into balls. Freeze. Melt chocolate chips with paraffin. Dip centers and place in wax paper-lined egg cartons. Set in cool room and age for 1 month.
1970 Recipe - Joyce Schweigert