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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 1/3 Cup Flour 3/4 Teaspoon Salt 2/3 Cup Yellow Cornmeal 1/4 Cup Butter, Cut Into Pieces & Frozen 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder 1 Cup + 2 Tablespoons Whipping Cream 1 1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Combine first 5 ingredients in medium bowl. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly. Using fork, stir in enough cream to form a soft dough. Gently knead on lightly floured surface until smooth, butter may still be in lumps, about 10 times. Pat dough out to thickness of 3/4 inch. Cut out 2-inch biscuits using floured cutter. Transfer to ungreased baking sheet. Gather scraps, knead briefly and cut additional biscuits. Bake until golden brown, 15 to 18 minutes.
Recipe - Jean Hansen
"Like corn muffins, but with a biscuit texture. Serve with butter and honey." - April Ferre