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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
8 Manicotti Shells 1/4 Cup Onion, Chopped 1 Can Cream Of Chicken Soup 2 Tablespoons Butter Or Margarine, 1/2 Cup Sour Cream -Melted 2 Cups Chicken, Cooked And Chopped 1/4 Cup Water, Warm 1 4-Oz Can Sliced Mushrooms, 1/2 Teaspoon Chicken Bouillon -Drained 1 Cup Cheddar Cheese, Shredded
Cook shells without salt; drain. Combine soup and sour cream, mix well. Combine 1/2 soup mixture and chicken; mix well. Reserve remaining soup mixture. Stuff shells with chicken mixture. Place in greased 12x8x2 inch baking dish. Saute onion and mushrooms in butter in large skillet until tender; set aside. Combine water and bouillon, stirring until dissolved. Add to reserved soup mixture, mix well. Stir soup mixture into mushroom mixture. Spoon over manicotti. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and bake an additional 5 minutes. Makes 4-6 servings.
Recipe - Jean Hansen - From Southern Cooking Magazine.
"My Mom made this for me when I came over for lunch one afternoon. Such a great comfort food." - Calla Ferre