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Deep Fat Frying
Food |
Temperature |
Time |
Croquettes, Fish Balls, Oysters,
and Cooked Mixtures Generally |
390oF |
1 minute or until delicately
browned |
Doughnuts, Fritters, and Uncooked
Mixtures Generally |
360oF to 385oF |
2 to 5 minutes |
Fish |
370oF |
3 to 6 minutes |
Meat |
360oF to 400oF |
5 to 8 minutes |
French Fried Potatoes |
390oF |
5 minutes or until browned and
tender |
Use a frying thermometer to know your oil is the correct temperature. Nothing is more important in frying than proper oil temperature. It insures fried food that are crisp, golden brown and perfectly cooked. Too high temperatures results in foods burned on the outside and uncooked in the center. Too low temperatures results in foods that are soggy, greasy tasting and pale colored.
Dry moist foods with paper towels before frying to remove any excess moisture that could cause spattering.
To help keep the oil temperature from dropping below the correct level, have food at room temperature before adding it to the preheated oil and add food to the oil in small batches.
Fir a crispier crust, let foods coated with batter, crumbs, etc. stand a few minutes before frying.
Dry moist foods with paper towels before frying to remove any excess moisture that could cause spattering.
To help keep the oil temperature from dropping below the correct level, have food at room temperature before adding it to the preheated oil and add food to the oil in small batches.
Fir a crispier crust, let foods coated with batter, crumbs, etc. stand a few minutes before frying.