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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
3/4 Cup Milk 1 Package Active Dry Yeast 1/4 Cup Shortening 1/4 Cups Water, Warm 1 1/2 Teaspoons Salt 3 Cups Flour, Sifted 1 Tablespoon Corn Syrup 3 Tablespoons Corn Meal
Scald milk with shortening, salt, and corn syrup in small pan; pour into large bowl and cool. Dissolve yeast in warm water; stir into cooled milk mixture; stir in half of the flour. Beat until smooth. Stir in remaining flour a little at a time until dough forms a stiff ball that leaves the sides of the bowl. Turn out onto lightly floured board; press into a flat ball. Knead until smooth. Roll dough out to 1/2-inch thickness and cut with floured 3-inch cutter. Sprinkle cookie sheet with part of the corn meal. Place muffins 3 inches apart on cookie sheet and sprinkle with remaining corn meal. Cover and let rise 1 hour or until doubled. Set electric frying pan to 340 degrees, grease lightly. Bake muffins 10 minutes on each side. Makes 10 3-inch muffins.
Recipe - Calla Ferre
"I like English muffins. I saw this recipe in one of my Mom's cookbooks and thought it would be interesting to try." - Calla Ferre
"This was a fun recipe to try and see that it actually worked! They come out looking just like the muffins you buy in the store, though perhaps with smaller nooks and crannies than Thomas' as well as a little different texture. But they are a good substitute." - April Ferre
"This was a fun recipe to try and see that it actually worked! They come out looking just like the muffins you buy in the store, though perhaps with smaller nooks and crannies than Thomas' as well as a little different texture. But they are a good substitute." - April Ferre