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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
2 Tablespoons Olive Or Salad Oil | 1/4 Cup Parsley, Chopped |
1 Clove Garlic, Minced Or Pressed | 10 Ounces Fettuccine |
1 Small Green Pepper, Seeded And | 3 Quarts Water, Boiling |
-Chopped | 1/4 Cup Butter Or Margarine |
4 Green Onions, Including Tops, | 2/3 Cup Whipping Cream |
-Thinly Sliced | Salt And Pepper To Taste |
3 Medium Tomatoes, Peeled, Seeded | Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese |
-And Chopped |
Heat oil in a 10-12 inch frying pan on medium-high heat. Add garlic and green pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until pepper is limp. Add onions and stir 1-2 minutes longer. Mix in tomatoes and parsley. Cook until tomatoes are heated through. Keep warm, on lowest heat, uncovered.
As vegetables are cooking, cook the fettuccine in boiling water in a 5-6 quart pan on high heat just until tender to bite, about 2 minutes. Pour pasta into a colander and drain well. At once, return kettle to high heat; add butter and cream. Boil until butter melts. Remove kettle from heat and add pasta and vegetables. Mix, lifting with fork, to blend. Season with salt and pepper. Pour onto warm serving platter and sprinkle generously with parmesan cheese.
Recipe - Calla Ferre