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2 Tablespoons Fresh Ginger, Grated 1 Cup Water, Boiling 2 Lemon Rinds, Grated 1 Quart Seltzer Water 1/4 Cup Honey
Put ginger, lemon rind, and honey in a bowl. Pour in boiling water and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and chill. When ready to serve; add seltzer water. Makes 4 servings.
2003 Recipe - Danielle Levinson
"Summers in Davis are particularly hot, especially to those of us who grew up on the coast in cooler weather, myself in Santa Cruz and my college roommate, Danielle, in Berkeley. She liked to make smoothies to combat the heat, so for her birthday one year I got her a smoothy and juices cookbook. This was one of the recipes in there. Prior to this I had no idea what 'real' ginger ale tasted like. I was use to the good ole 'Canadian Dry Ginger Ale' that you find with the soda at the grocery store. This ginger ale is quite different from that. It has a bit of a bite from the fresh ginger, but is very good for you. You can adjust the amount of honey and water to increase or decrease the potency to your own taste." - April Ferre