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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1/2 Pound Italian Sausage, Cut In 1 Can Bean And Bacon Soup -1/2-Inch Pieces 1 1/2 Soup Can Water 2 Cups Cabbage, Coarsely Chopped 1 15-Oz Can Cheese Ravioli In 1/2 Cup Green Pepper, Chopped -Tomato Sauce 1 Medium Clove Garlic, Crushed 1 8-Oz Can Kidney Beans, Undrained 1/2 Teaspoon Italian Seasoning, Dash Pepper -Crushed Grated Parmesan Cheese.
In large saucepan, cook sausage until done; pour off fat. Add cabbage and green pepper and cook with garlic and italian seasonings until just tender. Add soup; gradually stir in water. Add remaining ingredients, except parmesan cheese. Heat. Stir occasionally. Serve with cheese. Makes 4 servings.
Recipe - Jean Hansen - From the Santa Cruz Sentinel
"When I saw the list of ingredients for this soup, I didn't think I'd make this soup more than once. But after making it to photograph for the online cookbook, I am in love. It makes a wonderful, hearty meal full of variety and flavor. I did make a couple of changes: I added 1/2 onion, chopped with the green pepper and cabbage, and I substituted 9 ounces fresh cheese ravioli and 8 ounces tomato sauce with basil and garlic for the canned cheese ravioli." - April Ferre