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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 1/2 Pound Spring Chicken 1 Lemon, Sliced -(with Bone), Cut In 2-Inch Pieces 4 Tablespoons Dry Sherry 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 6 Tablespoons Soy Sauce 5 Tablespoons Oil 6 Tablespoons Sugar 1 Stalk Leek, In 1-Inch Lengths 2 Teaspoons Cornstarch Mixed With 6 Slices Fresh Ginger -2 Tablespoons Water
Sprinkle chicken with salt and let stand 20 minutes. Heat oil and stir- fry chicken, leek and ginger until coated with oil. Add water to cover. Add lemon, dry sherry, soy sauce and sugar. Cover and simmer 30 minutes. Add cornstarch mixture and cook until thickened. Remove to serving plate and decorate with lemon slices. Serve hot. Serves 3 as a main course or 4-8 Chinese style.
Note: If a boiling chicken is used, the simmering period should be longer and the water should be increased.
1989 Recipe - Jean Hansen - From her cooking class with Julia Cheng