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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 1/2 Pound Hamburger Parsley Celery, Chopped Salt 1 Medium Onion, Chopped Pepper 1 To 2 Cans Tomato Sauce Oregano 1 Small Can Tomato Paste Garlic Powder Mushrooms Basil, If It Doesn't Taste Right
Brown meat; drain. Add onions and celery and cook until translucent. Add tomato sauce and paste, then spices. Add mushrooms and parsley last.
1966 Recipe - Jean Hansen
"I use to be able to make this from memory by taste. But with my allergies, I can't make it any more. The first time I made it for my husband, he was impressed at how much meat was in the sauce. It's thick and hearty and makes pasta into a main entree." - Calla Ferre