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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1/3 Cup Worchestershire Sauce 3/4 Cup Celery, Minced (For Low-Carb) 1/2 Teaspoon Horseradish - Or 3/4 Cup Cooked White Rice 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 2 1/2 Pounds Ground Beef 1/3 Cup Catsup 1 Cup Sauteed Mushrooms, Coarsely Chopped 3 Eggs, Lightly Beaten 8 Slices Bacon 1 Cup Onion, Chopped
Mix together Worchestershire sauce, horseradish, salt, catsup and eggs in heavy duty mixer. Add onion and celery, mix well. Add ground beef and beat hard until light. Remove any fibrous material from beater and discard. Add mushrooms and stir to combine. Shape into loaf and place in loaf pan. Top with bacon. May be prepared the day before. Drain any liquids that accumulate overhight.
Place on a foil-lined cookie sheet on middle rack of oven. Bake at 375 degrees until nicely browned on top and knife inserted in center runs clear, about 1 hour 30 minutes. Part way into cooking, start draining liquid that accumulates. A turkey baster works well to accomplish this.
2010 Original Recipe - Calla Ferre
"I developed this recipe to suit our low carb diet, and still be able to enjoy a good meatloaf. The secret is in using celery instead of bread crumbs." - Calla Ferre
"You don't even taste the celery in this." - April Ferre
"You don't even taste the celery in this." - April Ferre