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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 Can Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce 1/4 Teaspoon Granulated Garlic 1/4 Cup Dried Minced Onions 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Ginger 1/4 Cup Apricot Preserves 1/8 Teaspoon Cinnamon 1/2 Cup Orange Juice 4 Frozen Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 2 Tablespoons Light Soy Sauce
Place all ingredients except chicken in sauce pan. Combine & place over medium to medium high heat. Warm, but do not boil. Place chicken in baking dish and pour sauce over chicken. Cover and cook for 45 minutes. Uncover and baste, allowing some solids to remain on top of each chicken piece. Continue to cook until done, approximately another 45 to 55 minutes. Time depends on size and thickness of chicken pieces. Less time needed of course if chicken is not frozen; however, the dish comes out better if you start with frozen chicken breasts.
Serve with rice. Sauce goes wonderful over the rice.
2011 Original Recipe - Calla Ferre