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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
8 Ounces Rice Noodles 1 Tablespoon Paprika 3 Tablespoons Oil 1/2 Cup Fried Tofu, Optional 3 Garlic Cloves, Minced 1 Egg, Beaten 1/4 Cup Dried Shrimp/Prawns 1/4 Cup Chives, In 1-Inch Lengths 1/4 Cup Fish Sauce 1/4 Cup Ground Roasted Peanuts 1/4 Cup Sugar 1 Cup Bean Sprouts 2 Tablespoons Tamarind Or Lime Juice Coconut Milk
Soak the rice noodles in cold water for 30 minutes, or until soft. Drain, and set aside.
Heat a large skillet until hot, then add oil. Add the garlic and dried shrimp; stir-fry. Add the noodles and stir-fry until translucent. It may be necessary to reduce the heat if the mixture is cooking too quickly and the noodles stick.
Add the fish sauce, sugar, tamarind juice and paprika. Stir-fry the mixture until thoroughly combined. Stir in the tofu and egg.
Turn the heat to high and cook until the egg sets, stirring gently. Thoroughly combine the mixture, and continue cooking over medium-high heat for about 2 minutes until most of the liquid is reduced. Mix in the chives, peanuts and bean sprouts.
Place on serving dish and garnish with any of the following: bean sprouts, chives, banana blossom, lime wedges, hard-boiled egg slices. Additionally, top with thickened coconut milk and/or more fish sauce.
2002 Recipe - Hon Seng and Samen Son
"This was my first experience with Thai food, both cooking it and eating it, and it was definitely a good one. The thickened coconut milk is really a must with this, and I highly recommend garnishing with hard boiled egg slices as well." - April Ferre