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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 1/2 Cup All-Purpose Flour, Sifted 1/2 Cup Shortening* 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 4 To 5 Tablespoons Cold Water Or Milk
* For best results use butter-flavored shortening. Chilling pie crust will help in making a flakey crust.
Sift flour and salt. Cut in shortening until pieces are size of small peas. Sprinkle water or milk over, 1 tablespoon at a time, tossing mixture after each addition. Form into ball. Flatten on lightly floured surface. Roll 1/8-inch thick from center to edge.
For a two crust pie: 2 Cups Flour, 1 Teaspoon Salt, 2/3 Cup Shortening, 5 to 7 Tablespoons Cold Milk or Water.
Recipe - Calla Ferre - From Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook.
"My Mother-in-Law, Helen, always thought I made the best pie crusts, but this is just from the inside cover of the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook. The secret is not handling the dough heavily. Never re-roll more than once, or the crust becomes too tough." - Calla Ferre
"It's really worth it to make your own crusts. It's not really that hard and it will save you money, in addition to having a better taste. I sometimes add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to my crusts for a little extra added flavor." - April Ferre
"It's really worth it to make your own crusts. It's not really that hard and it will save you money, in addition to having a better taste. I sometimes add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to my crusts for a little extra added flavor." - April Ferre