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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
Cover bottom of frying pan with oil. Clip corners of pork chops so that they will not curl. Heat oil and brown pork chops. Place pork chops in baking pan. If excess oil, drain; reserving small amount of drippings in pan. Add water, loosen browns. Pour over pork chops. Add water to almost cover pork chops. Cover pan with foil. Bake at 375 degrees for at least an hour or until tender. Use remaining liquid and thicken with flour/water mixture for gravy. Add salt and pepper to gravy to taste.
Recipe - Calla Ferre
"Some people consider Pork Chops too dry, but when cooked like this, they are always nice and moist." - Calla Ferre
"This is one of my favorite meals. I would request it often when I would come home from college. I made sure I had Mom write doown the directions for the 1st edition of this cookbook." - April Ferre
"This is one of my favorite meals. I would request it often when I would come home from college. I made sure I had Mom write doown the directions for the 1st edition of this cookbook." - April Ferre