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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
Leftover Mashed Potatoes Bacon Bits Half And Half Or Heavy Cream Shredded Cheddar Cheese Chopped Green Onion Or Chives Fresh Minced Garlic
Add some half and half or heavy cream to mashed potatoes and re-whip. Add green onion, bacon, cheese, and/or garlic to spruce up your leftover mashed potatoes.
2011 Recipe - Calla Ferre
"If you are like us, we always make 'too many' mashed potatoes during the holidays, so that we will have leftovers. After awhile though, the leftover mashed potatoes start to feel a bit stale. Here's a great way to whip them back up into shape and give them new life and enhanced flavor to your favorite side dish." - April Ferre