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2 Envelopes Knox Unflavored Gelatine 1/4 Cup Sugar 1/2 Cup Water, Cold 1 Teaspoon Almond Extract 1 Cup Skim Milk, Heated To Boiling 1 Quart Fresh Strawberries
In 5-cup blender, sprinkle unflavored gelatine over water; let stand 3-4 minutes. Add hot milk and process at low speed until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 2 minutes. Add remaining ingredients; process at high speed until strawberries are pureed. Pour into dessert dishes; chill until set. Makes 8 servings.
Recipe - Calla Ferre - From Knox Gelatine Company.
"This little dessert is more of the consistency of a custard and tastes like a strawberry smoothy! Other fruits could be substituted successfully if you wish." - April Ferre