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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1 8-Oz Package Cream Cheese, 12 Fresh Or Canned Pineapple -Softened -Chunks, 1-Inch Pieces 1/2 Cup Marshmallow Cream 12 Frilled Toothpicks 12 Large Strawberries 24 Semisweet Chocolate Chips
Beat cream cheese and marshmallow cream in medium bowl with electric mixer on high until fluffy. Place cream cheese mixture in pastry bag fitted with #17 star tip or in resealable plastic food bag.
Cut strawberries crosswise in half. Thread strawberry piece, pineapple chunk, add remaining strawberry piece onto toothpick. Press chocolate chips into pineapple for eyes. Pipe cream cheese mixture onto strawberry "hat" for fur trim and onto pineapple to form beard. Cover and refrigerate no longer than 2 hours. Makes 12 Santas.
2001 Recipe - April Ferre
"These are sure to make a nice conversation piece at Christmas holiday parties. Make a whole tray, or just a few and decorate up a vegetable or cookie platter." - April Ferre
"What child could resist one of these!?" - Calla Ferre
"What child could resist one of these!?" - Calla Ferre