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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
4 Pounds Bulk Pork Sausage 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar, Firmly Packed 4 Eggs, Slightly Beaten 1/2 Cup White Wine Vinegar 1 1/2 Cups Soft Bread Crumbs 1/2 Cup Soy Sauce 3 Cups Catsup
Prepare at least 1 day ahead or freeze. Mix together sausage, eggs, and bread crumbs. Using palms of hands, shape mixture into balls the size of walnuts. Saute in frying pan until browned on all sides. Drain into colander. Combine catsup, brown sugar, vinegar, and soy sauce. Pour over sausage balls and simmer 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve in hot chafing dish. If balls are to be frozen, freeze in sauce. Heat slowly to thaw until hot.
Recipe - Jean Hansen - From Coffee, Tea or My Favorite Recipe, 1982.
"As with most meatballs, these can be served as a main dish or an appetizer.' - Calla Ferre