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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
1/4 Onion, Diced 1 Carrot, Quartered Olive Oil 1 Bouillon Cube 1 Sweet Potato, Baked and Peeled 1 1/2 Cup Half and Half 1/2 Apple, Cored
In a saucepan, sauté onion in olive oil until tender. Place all ingredients into Vitamix container. Select variable 1, turn on blender and slowly increase to variable 10, then to high. Blend for 6 minutes or until heavy steam escapes from the lid. Serve immediately.
2017 Adapted Recipe - April Ferre - from Vitamix, www.vitamix.com
"Another recipe from the 2017 holidays. You could make variations of this recipe by adding different herbs or spices such as sage or nutmeg." - April Ferre