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- chickenandeggcookbook.com
Bacon, Chopped Sweet Potatoes, Peeled And Cubed Onions, Chopped Frozen Peas And Carrots Celery, Chopped Milk Or Cream
Fry bacon in dutch oven until crispy. Remove bacon to dish, add onions and celery and cook until translucent. Remove from heat. Add some butter if needed. Boil sweet potatoes until soft. Add to onions and celery and return to heat. Add peas and carrots and heat through. Using stick blender, blend with milk or cream until of desired consistancy. Add bacon, and serve hot.
2010 Original Recipe - Calla Ferre
"We were eating sweet potatoes fairly often at one point; I was trying to expand my soup recipes, and I came up with this." - Calla Ferre